2024 NACSHR Annual Conference -The Largest Chinese HR event in North America
Stay Together Stay Powerful
(32083 Alvarado-Niles Rd. Union City CA 94587)
晚宴:150美元/人(不单独销售,需购买门票,名额有限,售完为止 参与者为分享嘉宾、特邀专家、VIP参会等40人规模)
合作伙伴:Law Office of Xiaomin Hu P.C.、 中国南方航空 、LYD Law、虚位以待
- 聆听行业大咖的精心分享:
- 演讲嘉宾包括成功的企业家、重量级的行业内大咖、优秀的人才战略专家。
- 他们精通中国以及北美的人力资源市场,乐于分享他们的观点和经验。
- 确保您能听到行业内最专业成功人士的分享。
- 学习新知识,掌握新动态:
- 不论您是职场老将还是新兵,更新知识库是一个永恒的课题。
- 峰会设置了多种会议形式,各种方式获取行业动态和职场经验。
- 有行业内大咖的独家分享,帮助您打开新视野,更具竞争力。
- 职业发展新机遇,更广泛的选择:
- NACSHR设置了北美地区HR岗位需求,现场更有机会面对面沟通交流。
- 非正式的会议交流,更有益深入交流,为您的职场铺就成功之路。
- 北美地区最大的华人HR行业盛会:
- 聚焦北美华人人力资源行业精英,汇聚北美职场华人力量。
- 汇集首屈一指的企业家、创业家和行业先锋,打造北美唯一、最大的华人HR盛会。
- 交流新资讯,结交新伙伴:
- 探讨行业热点话题,激发创新思维,共同推动HR行业的发展。
- 利用大会机会结识北美地区的华人HR同仁,拓展个人交际圈。
- 启发职场新思维,实现职业新突破:
- 探讨华人管理者如何实现职场发展目标。
- 设有职场人讨论环节,与嘉宾、行业专家和同行伙伴一起探讨如何在美国职场实现自我价值。
Annie annie@nacshr.org
This October in Silicon Valley, we will once again welcome Chinese HR professionals and practitioners from around the world to gather together, continuing our tradition of success. The upcoming conference will include professional panel discussions, practical workshops, keynote speeches from industry leaders, annual awards, company visits, gala dinners, and other diverse networking activities. These sessions are designed not only to provide the latest industry knowledge and trends but also to offer attendees valuable opportunities to engage closely with top professionals and build or strengthen connections with peers.
Stay Together Stay Powerful
(32083 Alvarado-Niles Rd. Union CityCA 94587)
Why Attend the NACSHR Event?
Gain Insights from Industry Experts:
Our speakers include successful entrepreneurs, industry leaders, and top talent strategy experts. With deep knowledge of both the Chinese and North American HR markets, they are eager to share their perspectives and experiences, ensuring you gain valuable insights from the best in the field.
Learn New Knowledge and Stay Updated:
Whether you are a seasoned professional or new to the field, updating your knowledge base is a perpetual endeavor. The summit features various session formats to provide industry updates and practical career insights. Exclusive shares from industry experts will help you broaden your horizons and enhance your competitiveness.
Discover New Career Opportunities:
NACSHR highlights HR job opportunities in North America, offering a unique chance for face-to-face networking. Informal networking sessions facilitate deeper connections, paving the way for your career success.
Participate in North America’s Largest Chinese HR Industry Event:
Focused on elite Chinese HR professionals in North America, the event brings together the strength of Chinese professionals in the workplace. Featuring top entrepreneurs, innovators, and industry pioneers, NACSHR stands as the largest and only Chinese HR event in North America.
Exchange New Information and Build Partnerships:
Explore industry hot topics, stimulate innovative thinking, and collectively drive the HR industry forward. Use the event to connect with fellow Chinese HR professionals in North America and expand your personal network.
Inspire New Career Thinking and Achieve Breakthroughs:
Discuss how Chinese managers can achieve their career development goals. With dedicated discussion sessions, engage with speakers, industry experts, and peers to explore ways to realize your potential in the American workplace.